Новости Insight

Development and stability are two of the most important values of Insight School!

22 years ago, we started as a kindergarten in a small facility on Nevsky Prospect with 11 wonderful students! Our school went through a long and challenging journey, and it...

  • became the only member of ISA in Russia
  • grew from a small kindergarten to a school with 3 departments: preschool, primary and secondary
  • opened well-equipped campuses on Krestovsky and Vasilyevsky Islands
  • has lots of graduates who were successfully enrolled higher education all over the world!

We express gratitude to Insight School community's trust and support over the years! With plenty of plans for the future, we are happy to support your children's develop into their full potential!

And with great anticipation, we are looking forward for the new students joining us this academic year!
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