Новости Insight

Insight School Flea Market

Look at these wonderful and bright pictures bringing the atmosphere of joy and kindness!

Recently annual Insight School Flea Market took place. It is our traditional event aimed to explain the children the significance of charity!

Our students and their parents brought lots of amazing toys, handmade sweets and books to put on a stand to sell and took part in all the activities our teachers prepared!

We were extremely happy to see the children so eagerly putting money in the charity box discussing with us how they want to help! And they really did! We’ve already shared everything we’ve earned with the organizations we cooperate with. The Red Cat Fund, Alesha Fund and Peterburgskie roditeli!

We’re are so glad to have had a chance to help those who need it and inspired by sharing this idea with our children

May kindness and love fill the world!
2023-06-19 14:42